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June 13, 2024 - June 14, 2024
Haliç Congress Center, İstanbul, Türkiye
Global Innovation Summit 2024
  • Mehmet Fatih KACIR, Minister of Industry and Technology, Türkiye
  • Prof. Ahmet YOZGATLIGİL, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology, Türkiye
  • Prof. Hasan MANDAL, TÜBİTAK President
  • Prof. İlker Murat AR, Director General of Industry, Ministry of Industry and Technology, Türkiye
  • İsmail DOĞAN, TÜBİTAK Vice President
  • Ahmet Serdar İBRAHİMCİOĞLU President of KOSGEB (Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization)
  • Anna PANAGOPOULOU - Director of ERA & Innovation, DG Research&Innovation, European Commission
  • Işıl YALÇIN, President, Ericsson Türkiye
  • Dr. Ronald De BRUIN, Director of COST Association
  • Alfredo Ramos - Director of Investment, High Value Manufacturing Catapult
  • Prof. Paolo FERRAO, Member of the Mission Board on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities, European Commission
  • Gönül KAMALI, Chairwoman at Turkish Software Industry Association (YASAD)
  • Mine TAŞKAYA, Co-Founder & CEO, Gtech
  • Erkam TÜZGEN, Director General Bilişim Vadisi
  • Prof. Dr. Rana SANYAL, Director of the Bogazici University Center for Life Sciences and Technologies
  • Prof. Manuel HEITOR, Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) at the University of Lisbon, Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education for the Government of Portugal in 2015-2022
  • Jean-Yves Le Gall, Former President, International Astronomical Federation
  • Burcu ARIKAN Co-founder, MYCONOM
Closed since June 14, 2024
Haliç Congress Center, İstanbul, Türkiye
Organized by
Türkiye 2013
United Kingdom 63
South Korea 44
Germany 43
Spain 37
Belgium 29
Netherlands 25
Canada 23
Singapore 16
Chile 16
Bulgaria 15
Romania 13
Croatia 12
Czech Republic 9
Portugal 9
France 8
Sweden 7
Austria 7
South Africa 6
Lithuania 6
Estonia 5
Azerbaijan 5
Poland 5
Greece 4
Latvia 4
Albania 4
Slovenia 4
Brazil 4
Nigeria 3
Ukraine 3
United States 3
Italy 3
China 3
Russia 3
Switzerland 3
Finland 2
Montenegro 2
Uganda 2
Kosovo 2
Serbia 2
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Andorra 1
Hungary 1
India 1
Iceland 1
Antigua And Barbuda 1
Peru 1
Senegal 1
Denmark 1
Australia 1
North Macedonia 1
Pakistan 1
Barbados 1
Kenya 1
Viet Nam 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Total 2483